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Amazon Ads Connection
Updated over 2 months ago

What: The Amazon Ads connection allows you to export BlueConic segments to Amazon Ads in order to target your audiences with advertising on Amazon.

Why: By sending segmentation and user profile property data to Amazon Ads, you can more effectively reach custom audiences with digital ads on Amazon. With this capability, you can stop targeting entire segments of visitors who are not a good fit for your advertising campaigns.

Adding an Amazon Ads connection

  1. Click Connections in the Navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

    How do I create a BlueConic Amazon Ads Connection to synchronize advertising audiences with BlueConic customer segments and profiles?
  3. A pop-up window appears. Check the Show all box. Enter “Amazon Ads” in the Search bar.

    Click Amazon Ads Connection.

  4. The Amazon Ads Connection page opens.

    You can expand or collapse metadata fields (mark this connection as a favorite, add labels, provide a custom description, or change edit rights) by clicking the gray chevron at the top of the page.

  5. Enter a descriptive name for your connection.

  6. Optional: Select the Email notifications box if you would like BlueConic to notify one or more email addresses if there's a problem running the connection or when it runs successfully. Enter one or more email addresses and click OK. You can select whether to receive emails each time it runs or only if the connection fails to run successfully.

Configuring an Amazon Ads connection

After you create an Amazon Ads connection in BlueConic, you need to authenticate the connection and set up at least one export goal. In the connection goals, you specify the data you are exchanging and how it maps to BlueConic profiles. You can also prioritize the order of your goals by dragging and dropping them to your desired sequence by using the drag handle that appears on the left-hand side of a goal when hovering over it.

Authenticating the Amazon Ads connection

  1. Click Set up and run in the left panel.

  2. To authenticate your connection, enter the following information:

    • Target region: Select whether your Amazon Ads account operates in North America (NA) or Europe (EU) from the dropdown menu.

    • Authentication: Use the "Connect with Amazon Ads" button to trigger a pop-up window to log in and authenticate to your Amazon Ads account.

  3. Save your settings.


Setting up a batch export goal

Synchronize BlueConic segments with Amazon Ads to create custom audiences via a batch run. Click Add goal > Create Amazon Ads audiences to create the export goal.

  1. Link identifiers

    Link data from both systems by matching BlueConic profile identifiers with Amazon Ads identifiers.
    Note about Amazon Ads identifiers: When matching identifiers between BlueConic and Amazon Ads, you can use several valid Amazon identifiers including first name, address, phone, city, state, postal, email, and last name (see Amazon documentation for more details).

  2. Map BlueConic segments to Amazon Ads audiences.
    Select the BlueConic data you want to export and map these to Amazon Ads audiences (with a minimum of 10 characters). Amazon requires addressable audiences to be larger than 2000 profiles and imported from BlueConic within 48 hours of creation. Please verify with your Amazon Marketing Cloud account that the custom audience you are using has been configured correctly.

  3. Set a country of origin.
    To comply with the Amazon Ads privacy policies, select the country of origin for your exported audience from the dropdown menu. Optionally, you can choose to select this country of origin in a BlueConic profile property.

    Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10.44.28 AM.png
  4. Run the connection.

    If you want to create another goal, click Add goal in the left panel. Before running the connection, you need to Save your settings and turn the connection On at the top of the Connection window.

Running an Amazon Ads connection

Tip: Make sure you have added your goals and saved your settings before running the connection.

  1. Turn the Amazon Ads connection on.

  2. Go to the Set up and run page. Scroll down to the Run history section. This table shows all past and scheduled runs for the connection. In the details column, it also lists the last five created or updated profiles and links to the profile identifier so you are able to see exactly how and whether profiles were created or updated correctly.

  3. To start the import and export manually, click the Run now button.

  4. To schedule the import and export for a future date, click the Settings icon. Select how to schedule the import by choosing an option from the drop-down list:

    • Every X minutes

    • Number of times per day

    • Days of the week

    • Days of the month

    • Weekday of the month

    Set a time for the import. Click OK.

Data exchange shows you the total number of unique profiles that have been imported or exported via the connection. Note that these are unique profiles. If the same profile is exported multiple times, it is counted as one.

Connection status

The logos at the top of the page provide an overview of the connection status:


There is an arrow going from BlueConic to Amazon Ads, meaning data is being exported. Also, the arrow is green which means the connection is ready to go.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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