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Location Monitoring Insight

The Location Monitoring Insight visualizes segmentation and profile property data on world, Europe, Canada, or U.S. maps.

Click the settings gear icon in the top right of the widget to configure the visualization.


Select up to 5 segments or profile property values to analyze together.

When selecting profile property values, you can also apply a segment to the visualization. For example, the final two images below show all users' top niche Facebook like categories, and the same categories for sports readers only.

Select a segment to see how customers are distributed geographically.

How to track geographic customer segments with the BlueConic CDP using first-party customer data

Select two segments, and a two-color gradient will show how unevenly each geographic area is distributed between the two:

How to visualizw first-party geographic customer data for BlueConic CDP profiles?

Optionally, you can show the segment with the most profiles in each geographic area instead of a gradient:

How do I discover geographic distribution for customers using first-party customer data in the BlueConic CDP?

Shown now with the details for each state:

How to visualize customer segments by state or region using first-party customer profile data in BlueConic

... and shown now with the U.S. DMA map: 

How do I see the U.S. customer distribution using BlueConc customer profiles

Select more segments (up to 5) to show which segments are most prevalent in each geographic area:

How do I find customer segments by location or geography using first-party customer profile data in BlueConic

Selecting profile properties instead produces similar visualizations:

How do I visualize customers' geographic locations using the BlueConic CDP?

With the added bonus of being able to apply segmentation:

How do I create customer segments based on geography or location using BlueConic profile data>


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