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December 2020 Product Updates

Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.

Updates to the BlueConic iOS SDK and Android SDK

A reminder for BlueConic app developers: The latest version of the BlueConic SDK restricts the use of the Simulator mode to Debug mode only, to further emphasize the use of the Simulator is for development purposes only. Please note that Debug mode should be disabled when your apps including the SDK are published. Please see the iOS SDK and Android SDK support pages for updated documentation.

Updates to iOS Mobile SDK for Apple iOS 14

At the yearly Apple developers’ conference, Apple announced new data privacy and security changes to IDFA (identifier for advertisers) for iOS 14 that affect all iOS mobile SDK developers. Updates to Apple’s privacy policies will require mobile SDK apps to notify and request permission to track in order to collect the user’s Mobile Ad ID beginning in 2021. Our developers are monitoring Apple’s privacy policies and creating a new BlueConic iOS SDK, which will no longer be able to autodetect and collect the Mobile Ad ID via the BlueConic Global Listener. 

If you want to release a new version of your app to the app store, you will need to integrate this new SDK and meet Apple’s privacy requirements. If you choose to collect these data points, you will need to request user permissions, and can use our new method “setMobileAdId”. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information on these changes.

Profile overview now includes Lifecycles 

You can now see at a glance which customer lifecycles are associated with a particular profile. Select Profiles in the BlueConic navigation bar, and select an existing profile to view the Profile overview. You can see this profile's current Lifecycles and stage within that lifecycle. To learn more about BlueConic Lifecycles, contact your Customer Success Manager.


Best practices for naming items in BlueConic

To help you and your teammates collaborate most efficiently in BlueConic, our Customer Success Team gathered their top tips for naming items in BlueConic. See Best practices for names and labels in BlueConic for details.

Join us for the December Customer Academy webinar

Join us on Monday, December 9 for this month's Customer Academy webinar: Building your unified profiles in BlueConic. Our Customer Success team will highlight the best way to build unified customer profiles in BlueConic. You will get expert advice using BlueConic to consolidate known and anonymous data, and top strategies for organizing this data to be used across your entire tech stack for increasing customer engagement. Learn BlueConic best practices including:

  • Mapping where your customer data lives and bringing it into BlueConic
  • Creating a profile merging strategy to ensure that you have the most complete view of a customer at any given moment in time
  • Converting anonymous profiles to known ones and Insights you can use to measure your progress (like recognition ratio)

Coming soon

  • Updates and enhancements to the Acxiom Connection for importing additional data types. In addition to importing person data, the connection will import household, place, and business data.
  • Updates to the newly renamed Acoustic Connection, formerly the IBM Marketing Cloud/Silverpop Connection.
  • Advanced first-party data features to address changes with Safari ITP and third-party cookie blocking
  • Just in time for winter, our new Snowflake Connection


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