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July 2018 Product Updates

Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.

Summer is here, but we won’t stop cranking out new features. Here is a new batch of exciting additions to our CDP!

New Time Span Listener and Cohort Analysis Insight

You can use the Time Span Listener to store the number of days between two events in a profile property. For example, if you want to understand how long it takes between a customer visiting your website for the first time (start moment) and making a first purchase (end moment), you can now store that time span between start and end moments in a profile property. More details on how to set the Time Span Listener up can be found here.

How to use the BlueConic customer data platform to measure customer engagement time spans

Along with the Time Span Listener, we have introduced the Cohort Analysis Insight. For each Time Span Listener, you can now see what percentages of profiles complete start and end moments within various increments of time - whether that's in daily or weekly increments. If this sounds interesting, take a look at this screenshot (a picture is worth a thousand words!)

How to gain customer insight with BlueConic customer data platforms

Consent Management Updates

Many of you are using our new consent management capabilities, and based on feedback, we added another set of features:

  • Profile privacy management added to the Profiles tab. Within the Profiles tab, you can now view privacy settings, such as legislation, permission level, consented/refused objectives, and privacy event logs.

How to manage privacy and consent for GDPR and CCPA with BlueConic

  • The GDPR forms will now automatically track click events for any click on a submit or refuse button. They will also track conversion events whenever consent is given for at least one Objective.

Connections Updates

  • BlueConic added a new connection with Decibel! You can export and import to Decibel, with the usual profile property mappings.
  • The Sailthru, S3, and SFTP connections have been improved. When a file with the same name as the previous run is imported, only the different user records are imported. This could improve the import speeds dramatically. For example, we saw in our tests that 660,000 users from Sailthru were imported every day leading to 300 actual updates. This took about 6 hours - now it takes only a few minutes.

How to connect customer order data with customer profiles and segments in BlueConic

  • When configuring an export within the Connection interface, you can easily filter out profiles that haven’t given consent for the related Objective(s). For example, if you’re exporting profiles to Facebook Custom Audiences using the Facebook Connection, you can filter out profiles that haven’t given consent to ad targeting.

How to configure Shopify connections to import customer order data to BlueConic

  • The interface now shows which files have been handled during a run in the ‘run history’ to the SFTP Connection & S3 Connection.

How to run SFTP and Amazon S3 Connections to BlueConic

  • The Magento connection is now much faster. By grouping requests to Magento, we were able to speed up the connection considerably. In our test runs, what once took 5 minutes is now completed in 8 seconds!
  • Webhooks now also support SOAP responses.
  • The Google Ads Customer Match Connection was updated to add country codes to phone numbers for more precise customer matching.

A Sneak Peek of Features to Come

  • Advanced Segmentation: we're adding new capabilities to make it easier to manage more complex segmentation.
  • Facebook 2.0 connection: a full rewrite of the existing Facebook Ads connection based on the new UI, including more field options to use for customer matching and with much faster speed.
  • Recommendations improvements:
    • New ways to filter recommendations based on date so the recommendations engine only shows articles or products associated with a specific time period.
    • When setting up a new recommendation with multiple items, you can now select different algorithms for each item. For example, if your recommendation will display three products, you can use three different algorithms to determine which three products are displayed (ex. same product category, new products, and related interests). you can also set a 'fallback' recommendation to show when there aren't any items to recommend.
  • New and updated connections with Lotame DMP (new), Google Universal Analytics (updated), and ExactTarget (updated)


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