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Overview: Using BlueConic Objectives for privacy and consent

Using a customer data platform (CDP) such as BlueConic makes it much easier to manage marketing objectives such as privacy and consent. In BlueConic, you can use Objectives to manage marketing objectives and the items related to them. Objectives help you keep track of the purposes for which you store data and for which purposes actions are taken.

You can use BlueConic Objectives to enable consent management for customer privacy management -- for example to use BlueConic to comply with GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, or other privacy regulations. Items contained in objectives are only executed if the customer or visitor consented to at least one of the consent objectives.

Learn more: Visit BlueConic University

BlueConic University Logo.svgSee the Introduction to Objectives video in BlueConic University.

Getting Started with Objectives for privacy and consent management

To use Objectives, you must have the "Objectives" permission or the default permission associated with one of the following BlueConic user roles:

  • Application Manager
  • Online Marketer
  • BlueConic Support

Viewing Objectives

Navigate to the Objectives tab by clicking More in the Navigation bar and then choosing Objectives.

On the Objectives tab, you can see a table of your organization's purposes with the following default columns:

  • Name
  • Consent enabled
  • Last consent
  • Consent %
    • Note: This is the percentage of total profiles in your BlueConic tenant that consented to the objective. For example, if you have 10,000 total profiles and 3,000 of those consented to your objective, then the Consent % for that objective would be 30% (i.e., 3,000 out of 10,000).
  • Last modified

How to use BlueConic objectives for marketing objectives, privacy, consent, GDPR compliance, and CCPA compliance

You can add more columns to this table through the Columns drop-down list:

  • Favorites
  • Name
  • ID
  • Consent enabled
  • Last consent
  • Consent %
  • Times used
  • Labels
  • Created by
  • Last modified by
  • Created 
  • Last modified

You can filter Objectives through the Filters drop-down list:

  • Labels
  • Last modified
  • Creation date
  • Created by
  • Last modified by
  • Favorites
  • Consent enabled

Adding Objectives

To create a new privacy or consent Objective in BlueConic

To add an Objective, follow these steps.

  1. From the Objectives menu, click Add objective. A page for the new Objective opens.


  2. Enter a name for the Objective in the text box. Review the article Best practices for names and labels for tips on naming your objectives.
  3. An Objective ID is given automatically. To edit the Objective ID, click it and enter new text.
  4. Next to "Require consent," click the individual checkboxes to select one or more privacy legislation zones (if your customers or visitors need to give consent before the items in this Objective can access their profiles).
    • Tip: Click the top "Legislation zones" checkbox to select or deselect all zones at once.
    • Note: The list of zones displayed is based on the zones selected from the Privacy settings page. Each zone can be designated as Opt-in or Opt-out from this page, as discussed in the article Privacy settings.
  5. If you have selected one or more legislation zones, enter a Consent title and Consent description for the consent given by your customer.
  6. Add items that the Objective should contain by clicking the Select... text underneath each heading. Items include:
    • Connections
    • Dialogues
    • Trackers
    • Global listeners
    • Listeners
    • Segments
    • Notebooks

    How to add GDPR or CCPA privacy compliance to BlueConic customer profiles, data connections, content dialogues, external trackers, data collection listeners, and behavioral customer segments?

    After selecting an item, click Ok.
    Items added to objectives will only be executed if a visitor from a selected legislation zone consented to at least one of the objectives it is contained in.
    In the results list for advanced search, you can use Select all to add several items at once.

    Note: You can also assign objectives to connections, listeners, and external trackers from the objectives widget in the right side bar of the Connection, Listener, or External Tracker window.

    How to manage privacy compliance for customer data for GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, NYPA, SB220 legislation zones using BlueConic

  7. On the top right corner of the screen, click Save.

Editing Objectives

To edit an existing objective, click the Objective's name in the Existing Objectives table on the Objective tab.

Viewing Statistics and Related Items

To view an Objective's Statistics and Related Items, hover over the bar on the right side of the Objective's page.

How do I find related items for GDPR CCPA privacy compliance in the BlueConic customer data platform?


The Statistics widget shows the percentage of profiles that gave consent for this Objective and the last time a visitor gave consent for this Objective. The Related Items widget shows all items the Objective contains.

Note: The Consented and Refused percentages in the Statistics widget are calculated from the number of profiles that either consented to or refused the objective—not the total number of profiles. (The percentage of total profiles that consented is reflected in Consent % in the table on the Objectives page.)

For instance, if 2,500 out of 10,000 total profiles either consented or refused, then the Consented and Refused percentages would be based on those 2,500. Using the screenshot above, 84% Consented would be 2,100, and 16% Refused would be 400. (The Consent % would thus be 21%, or 2,100 out of 10,000.)

Deleting Objectives

You can only delete an Objective if it contains no (0) items. To delete an Objective, click the arrow by Save, then click Delete.

How do I delete GDPR or CCPA privacy objectives in the BlueConic customer data platform?

A pop-up window appears. Click OK to confirm the deletion of this Objective.



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