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Older Releases: Release 1.7 to Release 29
Older Releases: Release 1.7 to Release 29
Updated over 3 months ago

You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.

Most recent BlueConic product updates

For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes page.

Release 29

  • A 2 step authentication system has been implemented to ensure the security of the BlueConic environment and BlueConic users must now log in using their email address. The first time they attempt to log in, they are sent a unique verification code to their email address that they must enter before being allowed access to BlueConic. The verification code expires every 90 days after which they receive a new, unique verification code.

  • The authorization model within BlueConic has been changed. BlueConic users are now granted edit rights that authorize them to modify items within BlueConic only in the domains to which they belong.

  • An attribution channel setting has been added to interactions and optimizers which allows you to register conversions that occur in one channel in another specified channel.

  • Lightbox and Content interactions can now register click events.

  • BlueConic now show "Last Modified" information for segments, optimizers, interactions, and variants.

Release 28

  • The "Send Email to Visitor" interaction has been enhanced. You can now send highly personalized email messages to visitors using a mix of static text and values retrieved from their profiles.

  • Support for native mobile applications has been added. Libraries and APIs for iOS and Android have been created that allow you to enrich visitor profiles using mobile applications.

Release 27

  • BlueConic version numbering has been changed to use an integer with no decimal point.

  • New options have been added to line graphs that allow you to view values in several new ways. All graphs can now be exported in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. See the online help for complete information. See the online help for complete information (User > General > Graph Options).

Release 2.6

In BlueConic version 2.6, Optimizers have been added. Optimizers interact with universe visitors in the same way that interactions do, however there is a crucial difference: an optimizer contains two or more variants that interact with the visitor in different ways, the aim being to find the variant that is most effective in reaching the goal you define for the optimizer. A variant is an interaction in the context of an optimizer.
Once BlueConic determines which variant is most effective according to the defined goal using the defined strategy, you specify what the optimizer does next. For example, you can see whether displaying a lightbox leads to more clicks than displaying a banner. If the lightbox leads to more clicks, for example, then you can tell the optimizer to target website visitors with the lightbox and stop showing the banner. See the online help for complete information (User > Dialogues).

Release 2.5

  • In the BlueConic 2.5 release, the plugin Enrich Profile with Visitor Input has been added. The Enrich Profile with Visitor Input plugin allows you to set a value for a property in a visitor's profile based on visitor input. You can use the interaction to both set the value of an existing profile property to a particular value as well as add a value to a profile property that supports multiple values. The input from the visitor is derived from a form submitted on a web page. For complete information, see the online help (User > Dialogues > Interaction Types > Enrich Profile).

  • The REST api has been updated in order to allow developers to manage profile properties. For complete information see the online help (Developer > REST API).

  • BlueConic now supports Java 7 (64-bit).

Release 2.4

  • In BlueConic release 2.4, a new feature has been added to BlueConic that allows you to merge profiles based on matches between values in one or more profile properties within two visitor profiles. This allows you to decrease the number of active visitor profiles and ensure that the profile for a visitor is as accurate, up to date, and complete as possible. For complete information, see the online help (User > Settings > Profile Merging).

  • BlueConic can now also be configured to delete visitor profiles from the BlueConic database based on a period of inactivity. For complete information, see the online help (User > Settings > General > Profile Clean Up).

Release 2.3

In BlueConic release 2.3, new features have been added to BlueConic that allow you to ensure that your website complies with web privacy laws that have been enacted in many countries throughout the world. For complete information on BlueConic privacy features, see the BlueConic online help (User > Introduction > Privacy).

Release 2.2

  • New option for adding BlueConic plugins. In BlueConic release 2.2, a new possibility for adding plugins has been implemented. In addition to pointing to a URL where a plugin is available via HTTP or HTTPS, it is now also possible to upload a plugin via a ZIP file. Please see the BlueConic online help for complete information (Developer > Plugins).

  • New BlueConic script. The JavaScript that you add to a channel so that it can be recognized by BlueConic has been changed. The new script can be found in section 3.3.1 of the document BlueConic - Installation on a Linux Production Environment of the documentation as well as in the BlueConic online help (Developer > Configuration > BlueConic script).

Release 2.1

  • A new facet, “Profile Property has value” has been added to the global listener in the “Statistics” category. This allows you to create a segment that contains profiles of visitors who have a value assigned to a particular property or properties. In order to use this facet, you must rebuild the Apache Solr index.

  • Two new listeners have been added to BlueConic: the Engagement Interest Ranking listener and the Engagement Score listener. These listeners have to be added manually to your installation when upgrading to BlueConic 2.1.

  • Four new parameter types have been added to BlueConic 2.1 to support the new engagement listeners. If these parameter types are not automatically installed, they can be manually installed.

Release 2.0

  • BlueConic release 2.0 presents a complete change to the user interface which is more aesthetically pleasing and simpler to use. All features that you were used to using in previous releases of BlueConic are in the same place, only the look and feel has changed.

  • A new mechanism for overruling the default rendering of the What tab for new interaction types has been implemented. Please refer to the online help for complete information (Developer > Plugins > Custom What Tab).

  • The BlueConic online help has also been changed to follow the new 2.0 look and feel. A clearer layout makes it easier to find the information you are looking for and a better separation between User online help and Developer online help has been implemented.

  • New methods have been added to the REST API that make it possible to create, modify and delete domain and channel properties. See the online help for complete information (Developer > REST API).

Release 1.8.1

In BlueConic release 1.8.1, interaction views, interaction clicks, and interaction conversions can now be filtered on in a segment. Additionally, the behavior of how conversions are counted has changed. Beginning with BlueConic 1.8.1, an interaction conversion is counted only if it has also registered an interaction click and the last click transpired within 12 hours of the conversion. If more than one interaction shares the same Conversion URL, the conversion is counted for the interaction most recently clicked.

Release 1.8

  • The method of defining targets for globally deactivating interactions has been changed.

  • Interactions can now be deactivated for unique users based on the number of times they have viewed it.

  • The API for parameter types has been improved. All changes are backward compatible.

  • The AP for overruling the look and feel of the What tab in the New Interaction Wizard has been improved. These changes are not backward compatible.

Release 1.7.1

  • The Tracking Pixel and Shortened URL interaction is now documented.

  • The REST API documentation has been updated.

  • BlueConic Plugins (interaction types and parameter types) are now documented.

  • The installation manual (Installation on a Linux Production Environment) has been updated.

  • How to export segment data is now described.
    Note: For enhanced privacy, this feature has been deprecated (2021).

Release 1.7

  • The BlueConic login screen has been redesigned.

  • Interaction types are now categorized under BlueConic "Plugins" together with parameter types.

  • Previously, parameter type definitions were hard-coded in BlueConic. These have now been removed from the product itself and added as external plugins. You can now also create your new parameter types and use them to customize the look and feel of the What tab in the New Interaction Type Wizard.

  • BlueConic plugins (interaction types and parameter types) are no longer stored locally on disk but are now available from the cloud.

  • The assignment of a primary channel and primary domain is now mandatory when you create a new user.

  • Profiles within a segment can now be exported in comma separated values (CSV) file format.
    Note: For enhanced privacy, this feature has been deprecated (2021).

  • A new interaction type "Tracking Pixel and Shortened URLs" interaction has been added. Tracking pixels and shortened URLs allow you to track activity outside of the domains defined in your universe. For example whether a newsletter or email has been viewed or whether a hyperlink has been clicked.

  • A new parameter type "MRSS Parameter" has been added to BlueConic. This allows you to select images from syndicated services such as Picassa when defining an interaction for a dialogue (What tab in the New Interaction Type Wizard).

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