Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.
Most recent BlueConic product updates
For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.
Another month has passed! October is here! For most organizations, this means the busiest season has started. One topic that is increasingly on a lot of marketers’ minds is the EU General Data Protection Regulartion, or GDPR for short. To provide guidance on our vision and approach for GDPR, our SVP Strategy Cory Munchbach and CTO Martijn van Berkum will present a Q&A-style webinar on October 25th.
Already have lots of questions about GDPR? Don’t hold back! Hit reply so we can answer them in the webinar! For now, let’s take a look at the new features we added this month:
Our overlays (toaster, lightbox and slide out) keep getting our love because they are used so much by all of you, so here is another round of improvements:
For the lightbox and toaster, you can now choose where the close button will be (top/bottom left/right corner) and the padding (space between icon and selected border) of the close button
You can now add external libraries for all overlays, a great way to manage custom code and CSS for your dialogues!
When editing CSS or JavaScript for a dialogue, you will now see super fancy ‘syntax highlighting’ with warnings and errors while you are editing. You can also pop out the editing area and get much more space to edit!
Keyboard support
This is a topic we’ve touched in the past, but now we made a nice video explaining the possibilities for keyboard support in BlueConic. Worth a look if you are often in BlueConic and want to speed up your productivity!
SalesForce DMP (aka Krux) Server to Server
As requested by various customers, we’ve added a server to server option to our SalesForce DMP connection.
All the little things
As always, we have a variety of smaller features to introduce:
We enhanced detection of removed articles or products on websites so they are not recommended anymore
We introduced more granular scheduling options for Krux and MailChimp
We updated the subscription license usage page in Settings > General. You can now see what you use, and compare that with what you have in your BlueConic contract.
Coming Soon
A sneak peak of features to come soon:
We are working hard on adding features to make it easier for you to become GDPR compliant when the deadline (May 2018) is near.
Also coming are revamped and enhanced SFTP and AWS S3 connections for profile export and import
We already had an Omeda Import but we are busy adding Omeda Export and multiple goals support
Thanks for reading! Happy Fall!