Note: You've landed on some older release notes from our early days. Learn about current BlueConic features and CDP use cases in the BlueConic Knowledge Base.
Most recent BlueConic product updates
For current BlueConic product updates, visit the BlueConic Release Notes section.
New Power BI Connection
With the new Power BI connection, you can export BlueConic profile data to Microsoft Power BI, to analyze and visualize your data with Power BI.
Learn more: BlueConic connection to Microsoft Power BI
Using Data Processors to filter or transform data imports
BlueConic offers some powerful tools to help you clean, filter, or transform data that you import via CSV files with the Amazon S3 or SFTP connections. Data processors can clean up or transform your data on import, to store data in normalized format, or to remove variations in addresses, for example. This helps you to ensure that data being imported is validated, corrected, and cleansed.
Installing data processors
To have these processor plugins installed in your BlueConic environment, contact your Customer Success Manager. Learn more in the BlueConic Knowledge Base: Using BlueConic processors with S3 and SFTP connections.
New BlueConic Chrome Extension
New from Google Chrome is the free BlueConic Chrome extension, version 1.0.15. You can install it directly from the Chrome web store.
Changes to existing features
The Global Listener now tracks "Total Visit Time on Channels" to a profile property of the same name. See a full list of profile property data the Global Listener collects.
Fans of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connection will be glad to know you can now run the connection up to 24 times per day.
Our developers added new details and information to help you spot and fix Python errors when running AI Workbench notebooks. While a notebook is running, you can see how far along the execution is, and after completion, the run log and preview will display any errors.
Updates and improvements to the Shopify Connection.
Coming soon
Stay tuned for a newly revamped Salesforce Connection.
Our developers are working on new connections to Bluecore and also to Copernica.
A brand new listener to track views and events on AMP pages.