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The impact of placing an item in an objective
Updated over 2 months ago

In the BlueConic customer data platform, you use Objectives to manage marketing objectives and privacy (to ensure compliance with GDPR or CCPA/CPRA privacy regulations, for example).

After entering the basic settings of the objective, you should place items in the objective. The impact of doing so differs per type of item.


Only profiles from outside of the EU and profiles that have given consent to the objective will be handled by the connection (this applies to both export goals and import goals). Learn more about synchronizing your profile data with BlueConic connections.


The execution of dialogues is not impacted by placing a dialogue into an objective. See the next section (“Dialogues and objectives”) on how to use objectives on the Who tab of dialogues to limit the audience for a dialogue.

Once a dialogue is shown to a visitor, components on the What tab (such as Forms) can write information to any profile property of the visitor’s profile. If your dialogue writes data to the visitor’s profile it is advised to place the dialogue into one or more objectives: this will create a link between the objectives and the used profile properties. This becomes relevant when the visitor withdraws consent and the profile needs to be cleaned up (see FAQ “What happens with profile data when a visitor withdraws consent?”). Learn more about activating your marketing content with BlueConic dialogues.

Trackers and tracking pixels

The basic functionality of the tracking URL (redirect the visitor to the target URL) and the tracking pixel (show an empty pixel) is not affected by placing a tracker into an objective.

What is affected is the option to (create and) enrich the profile of the visitor requesting the tracking URL / tracking pixel. Profile enrichment only takes place if that visitor comes from outside of the EU or has given consent to the objective it is placed in. Learn more about using BlueConic to track customer activity via tracking pixels and URLs.

Global listeners

The global listeners are plugins of type “globallistener” and can be found on the BlueConic Plugins page. Global listeners are still always executed for all visitors, and therefore the gathered information can be used for segmentation for all visitors (even those without a profile).

The information of a global listener will only be stored into a profile if the visitor comes from outside of the EU or has given consent to the objective it is placed in. Learn more about using the BlueConic Global Listener.


Depending on how you set up privacy and consent for an objective, Listeners will only be executed for visitors that have given consent to the objective the listener is placed in. Learn more about data collection with Listeners in BlueConic.


Placing a segment into an objective does not have impact on the segment participation of the visitor. The participation is still only depending on the visitor’s profile meeting the segment definition. Learn more about how you can use dynamic segmentation in BlueConic for privacy, consent, and marketing objectives.

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