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Objectives Overview
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Objectives allows you to manage data storage and actions based on user consent. By setting conditions within objectives, you can control which profiles are included in marketing activities based on consent status.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have the "Objectives" user permission.

  • Understand the following consent category definitions:

    • Consented: Profiles have given consent.

    • Consented or not required: Profiles have given consent or consent is not required.

    • Refused: Profiles have denied consent.

    • Unknown: Profiles where consent is required, but not yet given or denied.

    • Refused or unknown: Profiles that have not given consent (includes refused and unknown).

View and manage objectives

To see or edit the objectives in your tenant:

  1. Navigate to More > Objectives.

  2. On this page, you will see a table of all of your objectives. Edit, filter, or customize the columns for better organization.

  3. Click on an objective to view its settings.

Create an objective

To create a new privacy or consent objective:

  1. From the Objectives page, click Add objective.

  2. Enter a name for the objective.

  3. (Optional) Open the objective metadata to assign labels or give a brief description.

  4. An Objective ID is given automatically. To edit the Objective ID, click it and enter new text.

  5. Next to "Require consent," click the individual checkboxes to select one or more privacy legislation zones. Click the Legislation zones checkbox to select or deselect all zones at once.

  6. Enter a Consent title and Consent description for this objective.

  7. Save your settings.

Add items to an objective

To add items (such as connections, dialogues, and listeners) to an objective:

  1. Click the Select... text underneath each item heading.

  2. Search for the desired item by typing in the name or using the Advanced search.

  3. After selecting an item, click OK.

Delete an objective

You can only delete an Objective if it contains no items. To delete an Objective:

  1. Click the arrow by Save.

  2. Then click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion of this Objective.


Where does the list of zones displayed on the new objective page come from?

The list of zones is based on the selections made on the Privacy settings page. On this page, you can designate each zone as Opt-in or Opt-out.

How do I access an objective's statistics and related items?

To view statistics and related items, hover over the bar on the right side of the Objective's page:

  • The Statistics widget shows the percentage of profiles that consented or refused among those who have made a consent choice, not the overall profile count.

  • The Related Items widget displays all items within the Objective. The Consent % shown in the Objectives table reflects the percentage of consenting profiles out of the total profile count.

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