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Campaign Tracker Listener
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Campaign Tracker Listening in BlueConic allows you to pick up on inbound campaigns by listening to campaign information in landing page URLs. Typically campaign manager software will add query string parameters to the URL that can be used to identify the campaign via which a customer or visitor landed on your website. You can then use this information to provide more relevant information to the visitor.

Using the Campaign Tracker Listener

To use the BlueConic Campaign Tracker listener, start off by adding your page URL in the Where field. Then you can click Add parameter(s) to add the URL parameters it should listen for. You can do this by typing the parameter names manually, or you can paste in an example landing page URL, and have the parameters automatically detected:

How to track marketing Campaign Trackers in the BlueConic customer data platform

Select the parameters that you would like to be picked up.

When you click OK a table with an overview of parameters is displayed. Where parameter names are recognized, corresponding profile properties will have been added for you.


Subsequent Action

How to manage marketing campaign trackers in BlueConic

If the user is active on the channel after landing, the selected campaign id parameter will be stored in a profile property. By default it will be stored in "Campaigns with Subsequent Action," but you can select another profile property in which the campaign id parameter should be stored by clicking the name.


Can I add the Campaign Tracker Listener to an objective?

Listeners can be added to Objectives to manage the privacy of collected information. A listener will only update a visitor's profile if that visitor has consented to at least one of the Objectives that the listener is linked to. This ensures that data is only collected and used according to the visitor's consent.

What logic does the Campaign Tracker Listener use?

The Campaign Tracker Listener uses ADD logic by default. This means that if a visitor interacts with multiple campaign links, the listener will add each corresponding value to the associated property. This can result in multiple values being stored in a unique identifier property, such as a hashed email. If you need to apply different logic, such as "SET" or "SET IF EMPTY," you should use a Behavior Listener instead.

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