Many privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA/CPRA, specify that individuals be able to manage their consent when visiting sites and channels. This example explicitly asks for consent to a number of objectives in a lightbox shown to non-EU visitors that have not provided consent yet. The “Manage consent” component is purely focused on showing a list of objectives to the visitor. Take the following steps to use the “Manage consent” toolbar component:
Click Add dialogue to create a new dialogue.
On the Who tab, define a Dialogue specific segment as shown below:
On the What tab, Edit the contents of the lightbox and open the Insert object menu and select Privacy management components.
An overlay appears; click Manage consent:
The contents of the overlay changes. Use the Search or the Add multiple objectives option to select the objectives you want to show to the visitor:
Click the Settings tab to manage the appearance of the objectives, set the text for the submit button and define what should happen after the visitor presses the Submit button:
This is an example of how to retrieve consent when serving international customers from the U.S. and EU.