This article outlines the steps to connect BlueConic to the Power BI API using the Webhook Connection. By following these steps, you can stream data directly from BlueConic to Power BI whenever a specific Timeline event occurs on a profile. This method ensures real-time data transfer, enabling up-to-date analysis and reporting in Power BI without the need for batch-based processes.
Webhook Connection Configuration
Create a new Webhook Connection.
Configure a “Trigger a request” goal.
Leave the segment as “All visitors” unless you want to further qualify the profiles sent to Power BI.
Select to trigger the webhook when a Timeline event occurs. The Timeline event should include the data package you want to send to Power BI.
Select the “Add credentials via webhook request” authorization method.
Configure the outgoing trigger request. An example of what this request looks like can be found in the screenshot below and in the Webhook Connection code examples article. It is important here to include the Power BI API authentication key in the endpoint URL.
Test the webhook.